The Fisher Family
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Steve and I are glad you stopped by for a visit!

July,    FRIDAY the 13th.

The reason for this web site is to keep our family and friends updated on what is going on in this household

 We are now in the middle of our SCHOOL IS OUT VACATION for Betty and me.    Betty  is finished with her classes as a PHD student and will take her exams in November.  She will be teaching at Tulsa Community College and one class at Tulsa University and I am will be back at Washington.

Steve and I both are still cancer free and everything else is in working order.  Steve's neck is doing fine.  He was released by his surgeon last week, July 7.  I think it is remarkable the way his broken neck  has healed.   G_d is good.


Not a lot of traveling this Summer.  Steve and I are headed to Arkansas on Monday for a few days and then we will go to LA to visit with our son.  After LA, Steve and I are meeting his brother Ron and his wife in San Francisco for a family reunion with Hank and his family.

We haven't been to San Francisco in thrity  plus years.  We are looking forward to seeing the family.


This picture was taken last summer on our cruise.  There is only one so----KIDS, snag it from here if you want it.

Betty and I returned the middle of July 2006 from a six weeks tour of the UK and Ireland. 


Here is Betty at Edinbough Castle


and guess who??????   yep, me in London with the Tower Bridge in the back.

Mailbox 3

"Here's to all them that we LOVE
Here's to all them that LOVE us.
And here's to all them that LOVE those
that LOVE them LOVE those that LOVE them that LOVE us."